IntroductionI backed this deck on Kickstarter so although it was a 2019 purchase, due to distance and customs, it didn't arrive till Jan 2020. All in all it was a successful Kickstarter campaign, good communication and although a little delayed, still reasonably timely in its dispatch. I'd seen some of the cards on Instagram prior to the launch and I found the concept interesting. Not just the idea that you have space to 'step into' the images but that they are shown from your perspective as if you are really there. So does it work? Here's what I found with the Spacious Tarot. What's Good?
What's Bad?
Stand Out/Favourite CardsThis isn't a 'cute' deck but the Child (Page) of Pentacles is just gorgeous! I love cards where the tiniest details are included, like the little fish in the Three of Cups. The Six of Cups is a beautiful beach scene, just my cup of tea. The Four of Swords resting against a bench in the middle of a snow-covered landscape has such versatility in its message. Do the surrounding cards in your spread support the lightness of the pink skies and snow or the bleakness of the distant mountains and forest? A great interpretation of the Strength card, different from the usual woman and lion. The Lovers card also avoids the usual image of a couple and an angel but all three elements are represented by the two intertwined ribbons of light and the space surrounding them. Temperance is also so clever, the ice verse the fire with that haze in between where the opposing elements meet and blend. At first, I didn't really get the Devil card. Then I realised, with the help of the guidebook, to look at the card as if it is the view in front of me, The trees represent the obstacles that stop you from seeing the light. I'm sure the creators meant the Ten of Pentacles to show a strong foundation but it does make me think, I wish I had a money tree! I love the tall poppy in the Emperor and the beautiful sunflower facing the Sun. There are lots of clever interpretations throughout this deck and the Nine of Cups with its dandelion seeds inviting you to make a wish is just one of them. SummaryThis is the best deck for...anyone who wants a bit of space to work out their own interpretations without being limited by the facial expressions of people or animals. Can you 'step into' all the cards? Well, I've found some easier than others but with a bit more use, I might find a way in. There are lots of alternative ways to represent the traditional meanings and that I very much appreciate. I wouldn't recommend this as a beginners deck but it's definitely worth adding to your tool box if you want a new angle on some readings. Where to Buy?You can pick this up from Little Red Tarot
It's currently on pre-order.
May 2024