So, you’ve looked at various deck reviews on YouTube and scrolled through online stores and you’re wondering which one go for next. Perhaps you’re ready for a more paired down style of art work. A deck that doesn’t have everything including the kitchen sink in there. That’s where a silhouette deck can come in. Just because they’re streamlined, it doesn’t mean that they’re minimalist and the three decks I’ve chosen for this ‘battle’ will show that there’s more to them than initially meets the eye. The bonus with these three decks is that you can pick one up for under 16 quid. In fact, one of the decks can be yours for less than a tenner. Easy on the eye and on the pocket. The three decks I've chosen are: Mystic Mondays Tarot, Everyday Tarot and Spirit Within Tarot. They all have two dimensional images and people without facial features hence the 'silhouette' look. What’s Good with Mystic Mondays Tarot?
What’s Good with Everyday Tarot?
What’s Good with Spirit Within Tarot?
What’s Bad with Mystic Mondays Tarot?
What’s Bad with Everyday Tarot?
What’s Bad with Spirit Within Tarot?
Favourite CardsI've chosen one Court, one Major and one Minor card to represent each deck. Mystic Mondays TarotEveryday TarotSpirit Within TarotSummaryMystic Mondays Tarot is the best deck for…summer sunshine and anyone who likes 80’s retro with the benefit of a noughties app. Everyday Tarot is the best deck for…two reasons:
Spirit Within Tarot is the best deck for…the modern man who likes clean lines. Where to buy?Mystic Mondays Tarot – Amazon
Everyday Tarot – Amazon Spirit Within Tarot – Amazon (these are not affiliate links)
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May 2024