Deck – Tarot of the Magical Forest Creator – Leo Tang Publisher - Lo Scarabeo Date purchased - 2019 IntroductionIf it's a cute and sweet deck you're looking for and last week's Happy Tarot was just too saccharine then look no further than the Tarot of the Magical Forest. If you watch Youtube and have come across Kelly Bear's channel you'll know this is her favourite deck. It's filled with cats, frogs, foxes and bunnies in an imaginary enchanted land. There's not too much forestry in the cards but the images are sweet with a kind of pencilled water colour effect. It follows the RWS system so it's easy to read. The deck has been around since 2008, so the production is not up to todays standards. The card stock is good but the cards have a white border that really does have a shrinking effect on the images. I have modified mine and although it's not as perfectly cut as it was, I can see the images so much better than before. The clarity of the images can be a little blurred as if they've been drawn over with pencil and that can be distracting on some of the cards. The packaging is the usual tuck box and there's a little white book with the first 14 pages in English and the rest in other languages. The majors introduce each character and there's a little introduction to each suit but although the meanings are specific to the deck they are keywords and phrases only. So why would you buy this deck? Well, it's a little fantasy land where tiny animals rule and life can be reflected with all its ups and downs. The 'scary' cards are in there and they're not as super-sweet as in the Happy Tarot so if you like cute little animals and recognisable images and symbols but don't mind a little darkness, then this deck is worth checking out. This is one of those decks that I wish the publishers would update, make it borderless and improve the packaging. If they were to add in some coloured edging and a decent guidebook, I'm sure it would revive sales figures. If any deck was begging to be put in a tin, this would be it! I'm glad I have this deck. It's not something I use frequently but when a little cuteness is required this deck meets that need while also giving a clear reading. Where to Buy?
May 2024